The Latest Family News
California State University, Bakersfield recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for its Basic Needs Department and a Food Pantry to help students experiencing food insecurity or a housing crisis. ...more
Each January, we bring you a collection of some of the top Kern County Education options. Get a leg up on the school year, and contact the schools directly for enrollment information. ...more
Parents, encourage the teens in your life to protect their hearing now. ...more
With these five easy steps, you will be able to throw together a fast, healthy, and budget friendly meal, while reducing stress, and gaining quality family time. ...more
Recognizing people’s best attributes is a skill Cherese Grell has perfected throughout her life. Cherese is the director of CityServe Kern and owner of strategic growth firm Positive Results Unlimited ...more
National Rubber Ducky Day (Jan. 13) has us thinking about duckies—rubber, plush or real ones! Here are our favorite books about ducks! ...more
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