Readers Respond: What makes for a successful summer weekend?
by Callie Collins
Jun 28, 2022
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Summer is here, with fun and family but also heat and high gas prices. We asked our readers for seasonal ideas on how to make free time better and some life-enriching ideas just right for summertime are featured below.

Q. What makes for a successful summer weekend?

- Being at the beach relaxing with friends and family with barbecue. - Andrea Jackson

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- All family members in the home hiking, picnic spending time together off the grid. - Paula Rodriguez

- Watching my grandkids swim. - Sherry Coontz

- Being able to get outside with the family. - Shirley Petersen

- Family fun around the pool. - Shanelle Aguyao

- Water play and movie marathons! Don’t forget sunblock and snacks! - Cortney McMahon

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- Taking the family on a weekend getaway to the coastal area to get away from the heat! - Andrea Ybarra

- Getting my cleaning, shopping and menu ready for the next week. - Ceresa Robinson

- Being intentional about spending quality time with the family. Planning a weekend where the adults and kids can interact through games and conversation. - Luz Robles

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- If you want to be active, then you have to go to the beach. Morro Bay or Pismo are my choices. If you’re really adventurous then Magic Mountain or Disneyland. However, if you just want a relaxing weekend then order pizza and watch movies. - Peggy Abrego

- A successful summer weekend includes laughter, charity,helping others, church and time with family. - Bertha Garzaro

- Going out to dinner with friends or family, on Saturday morning enjoy a round of golf then relax by the pool and grill those hotdogs and hamburgers. Attend church on Sunday and count your blessings and pray that you get to do it all over again for another week. - Bobbie Bishop

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