Movember Aims to Address Men's Health Issues
by Leslie Carroll
Oct 30, 2023
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If you notice a number of men sporting mustaches in November, your eyes aren't deceiving you. While it's possible these gentlemen may be channeling their inner Tom Selleck it's more likely they're raising awareness for men's health issues. "Movember" encourages a greater understanding of diseases, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men's suicide.


According to the Urology Care Foundation, testicular cancer occurs when cells in the testicles grow to form a tumor. The Mayo Clinic says it can happen at any age, but testicular cancer occurs the most between the ages of 15 and 45. Testicular cancer can quickly spread outside of the testicle, but it is highly treatable even if it spreads. Those diagnosed early for testicular cancer have a 95 percent survival rate, according to The Movember Foundation.


Unlike testicular cancer, which affects a relatively small amount of men each year, prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, indicates the Mayo Clinic. Oftentimes prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland. Still, some types of prostate cancer are aggressive and can spread quickly. Catching prostate cancer in its early stages when it is localized greatly improves the odds that treatment will prove successful. The American Urological Association says ethnicity plays a role in prostate cancer, with African American men having a higher risk of the disease than men from other demograph-

ics. Men over the age of 55 as well as those who have a family history of prostate cancer face a higher risk as well.

Sometimes prostate cancer shows no symptoms. In other cases, dull pain in the lower pelvis, frequent urination, trouble passing urine, and blood in urine may be associated with prostate cancer. Some men never need to have any treatment other than active surveillance or watchful waiting, particularly if they are at advanced ages when a slow-growing prostate cancer is detected.

As with any health abnormalities, individuals should know their bodies and what is normal for them. If something doesn't feel right during self-examinations or if men recognize symptoms like urinary leakage, pain or urgency, they should visit their physicians immediately.

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